Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Wednesday 6 | 12 | 06 [My 15th B'day!]

WOOO well today is my 15th bday so it was a pretty good day. I didn't get very many pressies though so bleh.

Period 1: Drama [stupid Burto made the class sing me happy bday].

Period 2: Music [we practised for the assembly but I had Shaun in my class and I couldn't look at him with a straight face after last night lol Sarah ;) ].

Period 3: P.E [shitty shitty shit shit].

Sport: Mixed sport with the rest of year 9 at Memorial Park [we played netball & cricket <_<>

I came home on the computer and was so touched by some of the b'ay messages I got from ACOF people. I then had to go and visit the mentoring place I met my mentor she seems nice.

~ Shann.

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