Monday, December 4, 2006

Tuesday 5 | 12 | 06

Period 1: P.E [we had theory sooooooo crap and boring, stupid Stef was laughing at me cos she thinks she's better than me].

Period 2: Maths [I had to stay behind cos I had no idea what I was doing -_-].

Period 3: French [had to write a small biography on P!nk entirely in French].

Period 4: Music [just plain annoying cos we were playing badly].

I saw Mr Roebuck about changing from music to Photography...I don't like the looks of things but I'll try my hardest. It's my bday tomorrow, what are the odds I get bugger all from Mum & Dad <_<

~ Shann.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha...lolhave a great bday expect to get a message tho haha luv u