Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wednesday - 29 | 11 | 06

Haven't blogged in a while...

Period 1: Maths [need I say anymore, stupid Shannon W {the autistic kids aide} was shitting me cos I'm dumb at maths.].

Period 2: P.E [worst.most.confidence.shattering.subject.EVER! Why can't the fkn NSW Department of Education show any consideration for us poor un-co people? :( anyways Ellen hit me in the face with a basketball so yeah : ]

Period 3: Drama [was actually quite good, we got to watch the movie we've been making it was so funny lol].

Sport: Netball [have finished netball for the year and got to sit out for the rest of the game xD ]

I saw the people who run the local mentoring program at 4:00pm and they seemed pretty decent. Mum's shitty cos she think's it makes her look like a bad parent - that's what you get for calling me a selfish bitch mother! <_<

~ Shann.

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