Wednesday, November 15, 2006

16 | 11 | 06

School day. How fun! (NOT!!)

Period One: French (having to translate a PS2 game review into English is SOO easy Miss Russel -___- ).

Period Two: Careers (omg the best! We had Miss Dunmore and she was a real bitch and Jess stuck her finger up at her and told her!)

Period Three: HSIE (Miss Dunmore We were given an assessment on WWII <_< )

Period Four: Science (we just had to research diseases...eww. +o( )

Yeahhh I'm trying to get into the hang of blogging everyday. But I'll be going away to Sydney tomorrow, and won't be back for about a week. So this will be the last you'll be hearing from me for a while (lucky for you haha.) So yah cya! <3

~ Shann.

PS - it's really cold!

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