Thursday, November 30, 2006

Friday 1 | 12 | 06

First day of summer! Woot.

Period 1: English [Miss K was being a bitch and told me off for no per usual *rolls eyes*]

Period 2: Science [talking about diseases & shit, really gross stuff :\ ]

Period 3: Drama [so much fun! I got to do the camera work for today for our movie :D ]

Period 4: HSIE [we just did shit on the computer about WWII -_- ]

This is me trying to keep like a diary that I can look back on it and see what used to happen and yeah, so if you find my blogs boring, please do not read them...

~ Shann.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Thursday 30 | 11 | 06

Well today we had a teacher's strike so we got to sleep in and go at school at 11:30am woohoo.

I arrived towards the end of Period 2, we were having careers I had to type out a resume and the boys in class were saying rank things as per usual.

Period 3: HSIE [but because of the lack of students we only did stupid crosswords on the Pacific ocean].

Period 4: Science [again a very small class, we just watched a really gross science video].

Well tomorrow is meant to be the first day of summer, but if you looked outside my window you would think it was going to winter tomorrow. Where has all the warm weather gone? :

School is still ghey, everyone is still snobby and rude but hopefully that all changes when we're in Year 10....

~ Shann.

Wednesday - 29 | 11 | 06

Haven't blogged in a while...

Period 1: Maths [need I say anymore, stupid Shannon W {the autistic kids aide} was shitting me cos I'm dumb at maths.].

Period 2: P.E [worst.most.confidence.shattering.subject.EVER! Why can't the fkn NSW Department of Education show any consideration for us poor un-co people? :( anyways Ellen hit me in the face with a basketball so yeah : ]

Period 3: Drama [was actually quite good, we got to watch the movie we've been making it was so funny lol].

Sport: Netball [have finished netball for the year and got to sit out for the rest of the game xD ]

I saw the people who run the local mentoring program at 4:00pm and they seemed pretty decent. Mum's shitty cos she think's it makes her look like a bad parent - that's what you get for calling me a selfish bitch mother! <_<

~ Shann.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

16 | 11 | 06

School day. How fun! (NOT!!)

Period One: French (having to translate a PS2 game review into English is SOO easy Miss Russel -___- ).

Period Two: Careers (omg the best! We had Miss Dunmore and she was a real bitch and Jess stuck her finger up at her and told her!)

Period Three: HSIE (Miss Dunmore We were given an assessment on WWII <_< )

Period Four: Science (we just had to research diseases...eww. +o( )

Yeahhh I'm trying to get into the hang of blogging everyday. But I'll be going away to Sydney tomorrow, and won't be back for about a week. So this will be the last you'll be hearing from me for a while (lucky for you haha.) So yah cya! <3

~ Shann.

PS - it's really cold!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

First Blog.

Yayy first blog (Haha can't believe I'm actually doing this!) Anyywayys I'm bored and it's really cold outside. Woo! xD
