Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Tuesday 6 | 2 | 07 [First Day of Year 10]

Helllloooooo! Haven't blogged for a while, and since school started today...yah.

Darcy & Sam were shitting themselves as they started Year 7 today lolol. We got our new timetables first thing [nice to see my switch from music to photography worked!] and then went straight off to Period 2: Maths. With Stubbo T_T

Period Three I had French, it was funny cos Ms Russell was laughing at how badly underdeveloped our French speaking skills are rofl.

Period four was Science with Mrs Glowrey [fuck oath my science class is massive! Was good bu Jace was being a douchebag.]

Overall it was a good yet tiring day. My internet time is limited a lot due to my homework load [4 FUCKING LOTS OF MATHS QUESTIONS & FRENCH REVISION!] but I'll still try and come on as often lolol.

~ Shann.

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